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All You have to do is:
- 1. Create an User account,
- 2. then choose 'Create Label',
- 3. and finally add Your releases
And why should You do so? Read here!
Website Registered 2005-12-29 Last activity 2019-07-28 Main License no license specifyed yet. you must not use any of the provided material before you have checked the labels website for license information. |
Zzaj Productions is a NEW netlabel.
Dick Metcalf, aka Rotcod Zzaj, has been recording "different" music with artists from all over the country (& the WORLD, for that matter) since about 1980 (if not earlier).
In our collection, as we pull albums over from our commercial offerings into this new label, you will find music that is "challenging", to say the very least!