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Last Update
2019-07-31 04:31:01

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Give Rubel ?

Artist Profile

Cumbersome rock the northern ruhr-area scince 2002. But at least scince winning the 'Rockband of the Year' - Award they are one of the 'have to know'-bands of the region. We don't know why they didn't get the 'Punkband of the Year' - Award but we guess there was no 'Punkband of the Year award' If so they had won him. Well we have to admit that we see some alternative-elements but we know people who insistence that the Foo Fighters play punk, too.

However. With their new EP 'passing lane' Cumbersome proove once more that they belong to the species of dance-floor-moguls.
So please: Ellbows out and let the dance-halls groan.

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