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Last Update
2019-07-28 01:28:11

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Artist Profile

Yakoozai is Joel, born in 1984 in Northern Virginia, USA. Joel developed a love for music at a young age and was introduced to the Paul Oakenfold album "2 years at Cream" when he was 17 by a couple of friends and says, "I couldn’t believe my ears (literally), the last song called "Prophet" by CJ Bolland is amazing! I had never heard music so uplifting, listening to the whole album was like a rollercoaster of emotions. I started going to "BUZZ" in D.C. and and mainly only listened to Tech/Trance/Progressive at the time. I started playing as a DJ in the Christmas of 1997 after going to numerous raves at "BUZZ" and "EDGE" which were side by side in Downtown D.C. I started with some turntables from the thrift store, a mixer from Radio Shack and a Boss 303 Drum machine/sampler."

Joel started producing shortly after this and now resides in Charleston, SC: "Since the move in 2005 I have been perfecting my sound in hopes of putting out a fully produced album which DJs all over the world will be playing. I have worked with Shea Vaughn producing the album for her workout video "Shea Netics" which is a three DVD set. I have produced radio commercials and TV commercial soundtracks for Brooke Faville for her Company "Wondrous Products" and done alot of graphic work for her as well. I have done a lot of recording and producing work for Andi Afsar who has recorded acts like Hootie and the Blow Fish and Jimmy Buffet. I have spun with the likes of AK1200 and Curtis B and play regular gigs at Halligans and Buffalo South. I do a lot of graphic design for flyers all over SC as well as producing and spinning daily."

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