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Last Update
2019-07-30 20:02:03

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Artist Profile

The swiss duo "freiraum" comes up with an airy combination made out of synthetic electro-sounds and hand-timbered beats. Pablo Mateu (Drums) and Andreas Freitag (Electronics) variate their sound between breakbeat-disco and electropunk. They are quite known in the local club scene. It's their first gig in Rote Fabrik, but they already had some great shows at places such as Dachkantine, Moods, Progr (Berne), Nordstern (Basle) and many more. They release their tracks on netlabel alpinechic, a netlabel, based in Zurich, dedicated to swiss independent music.>

Various Artists
on alpinechic
9 Tracks, 9 Artists 20'865 Downloads
by Freiraum
on alpinechic
6 Tracks, 1 Artist 13'713 Downloads
 acmp3016 alpinat...  
acmp3016 alpination 
Various Artists
on alpinechic
15 Tracks, 15 Artists 51'564 Downloads
 [ACMP3021]   CtC  
CtC by-nc-nd
Various Artists
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15 Tracks, 15 Artists 4'398 Downloads

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Switzerland, Zurich
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