- Latest Releasesurn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b91C-0003939e0af6Serving finest netaudio since 2005 - stay tuned!2025-02-13T20:48:15+01:00The Sonic Squirrelroot@sonicsquirrel.netCharacter-E & Traumwelt RMX, 15 Oct 2014 16:22:33 +0200<h5>released on enoughrecords by Projekt Klangform</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on enoughrecords by Projekt Klangform</p>Bridging techno, idm and industrial electronic sounds, in 2010 several projects from the German collective [Esc.] Laboratory did a series of remixes for Projekt Klangform. This album is the result.<p>Tags:<a href="">IDM</a>, <a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">INDUSTRIAL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Noise Psychotic Episodes, 15 Oct 2014 13:16:33 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Petej Amon</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Petej Amon</p><p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Slow Beats, 14 Oct 2014 22:23:54 +0200<h5>released on Laverna by templezone</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Laverna by templezone</p>Come viaggiatori insaziabili raggiungere le terre indistinte ai margini del ricordo.
Affacciarsi sul ciglio del confine invisibile che unisce il presente con il passato e ciò che ancora non è, con la percezione viva di poter lasciarsi andare nel vuoto senza tema di cadere dentro un nulla senza fine.
Allungare le braccia e volare, tuffandosi dentro un'essenza colma, pregna, viva, intensa, epica, lisergica, che trabocca di commozione e violenta connessione tardo romantica.
Un viaggio che riesce a sconvolgere per l'impatto sonoro creato da macchine che sanno accelerare la visione, circuiti che conoscono lo scorrere violento delle emozioni.
Giorgio Ricci sa come domarle, Templezone sa come tenere a bada il ruggito maestoso della tempesta elettronica filtrandola attraverso lunghi e profondi beats che, come vene pulsanti, irradiano di liquida luce cinque tracce di meravigliosa e scintillante old-school electronica.
Un incantesimo che non lascia tregua, tanto è il fervore irradiato da ogni traccia. Suono denso, folto, impenetrabile, spesso che travolge l'ascolto con ondate di violenta ipnotica bellezza.
Superbo l'inserimento della tromba di un grande e ritrovato Massimo Berizzi al'interno di “Subterranean Station”, da “repeate” la versione 'Litio RMX' di “Spectralion”.
“Slow Beats” è alchimia pura, l'arte di un vecchio manipolatore di suoni che ancora una volta ci seduce con i suoi racconti colmi di fantasmagorìa sonica.
Mirco Salvadori<p>Tags:<a href="">AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">MUSIC</a>, <a href="">INDUSTRIAL</a>, <a href="">LAVERNA</a>, <a href="">FREE DOWNLOAD</a>, <a href="">GIORGIO</a>, <a href="">RICCI</a>, <a href="">TEMPLEZONE</a>, <a href="">NETL ABEL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Where's Satan (Re-edition 2014)'s+Satan+(Re-edition+2014)/19537Mon, 13 Oct 2014 19:43:03 +0200<h5>released on SouthernCitysLab by Valery & The Greedies</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on SouthernCitysLab by Valery & The Greedies</p>Альбом "Where's Satan?" первоначально вышел в июле 2011 года, но тогда из-за не очень удачного продюсирования не было возможности полноценно передать всю задумку этого альбома. Недавно возникла острая необходимость полностью переработать, пересвести и ремастеринговать материал, что и было сделано. Теперь наконец-то появилась возможность услышать всё, что мы тогда записали в полный рост, без купюр и в хорошем качестве. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Valery & The Greedies:
Анатолий Никулин - вокал, гитара
Лев Сибиковский - гитара
Сергей Матюк - бас
Григорий Анушкин - барабаны
Сведение и мастеринг - Анатолий Никулин
Корректировка оформления - Alex Fry
Оформление по мотивам рисунков Андрея Горохова<p>Tags:<a href="">FUNK</a>, <a href="">NEW WAVE</a>, <a href="">POST-PUNK</a>, <a href="">NO WAVE</a>, <a href="">DANCE-PUNK</a>, <a href="">ART PUNK</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href="'s+Satan+(Re-edition+2014)/19537">'s+Satan+(Re-edition+2014)/19537</a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>wave017 ~ Ulf Kramer ~ Doktrin, 13 Oct 2014 15:14:20 +0200<h5>released on wavelike by Ulf Kramer</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on wavelike by Ulf Kramer</p>“Doctrine is a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, taught principles or positions, as the essence of teachings in a given branch of knowledge or belief system.”<p>Tags:<a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, <a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">MINIMAL</a>, <a href="">WAVELIKE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Dieta Z Dobre Rodiny, 13 Oct 2014 14:21:01 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Golgotha Communications Limited</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Golgotha Communications Limited</p><p>Tags:<a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>DTRASH189 - Victims Of Greed, 11 Oct 2014 05:57:37 +0200<h5>released on D-TRASH by Himiko</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on D-TRASH by Himiko</p>Edmonton's HIMIKO has reached a point of no return on this her 4th release for D-Trash Records; We've got some really dark material here, something of brutal start/stop death metal-then-digital hardcore with her haunted "pig-squeals" that supplement the low tuned chunky sampled-core driven by the expectedly frenetic jagged gabber beats and breaks. Less of a direction change than DethNoizzz (compared to Fuck Off), and moreso a zooming in of what made the former so crushing.
<p>Tags:<a href="">BREAKCORE</a>, <a href="">SPEEDCORE</a>, <a href="">GABBER</a>, <a href="">DIGITAL HARDCORE</a>, <a href=""></a>, <a href="">INDUSTRIAL METAL</a>, <a href="">ATARI TEENAGE RIOT</a>, <a href="">THE BERZERKER</a>, <a href="">HIMIKO</a>, <a href="">DEATH METAL</a>, <a href="">BRUTAL DEATH METAL</a>, <a href="">GODFLESH</a>, <a href="">EDMONTON</a>, <a href="">BRUTAL DEATH</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | not_specifyed</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Рак ГорлаРак+Горла/19533Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:25:06 +0200<h5>released on Temple Of Callousness by Failure</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Temple Of Callousness by Failure</p><p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">HARSH NOISE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href="Рак+Горла/19533">Рак+Горла/19533</a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Dedication to Shanghai, 07 Oct 2014 11:05:24 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Buben</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Buben</p>Let's go for a walk through Shanghai!
This release is the fourth from Sound Interpretation series dedicated to cities.
We believe that each city has its own unique air. But anyone who works with the sound knows that every city has a inimitable soundscape and rhythm. So let’s make a musical journey through the cities. Cities you’ve been or would like to visit.<p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, <a href="">AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">FIELD RECORDINGS</a>, <a href="">SOUND ART</a>, <a href="">SHANGHAI</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Spirit Kit, 07 Oct 2014 10:56:30 +0200<h5>released on SouthernCitysLab by Tigerberry</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on SouthernCitysLab by Tigerberry</p>The first band’s full-length album was compiled from the original songs captured between 2009 and 2012. It depicts the development of their distinctive sound and the starting point. The title "Spirit Kit" shows the idea behind the recording: each song itself is a key to a particular spiritual mood. The soundscape was designed in a very spontaneous and natural way. Nobody planned to release this record, and yet it became the organic 8 track statement that had been gathered from a vast band’s catalogue of singles, outtakes and demos. Serious changes and re-recordings were excluded on purpose to deliver the purest feel and tension behind the music. Remastered by the wizard from Binomial Records. The beauty of layering and reserved power reveals itself in an unexpected way through repeated listening.
Artwork By – Vadi Tkachev
Lyrics By – Vladimir Berlizev
Music By – Vladimir Berlizev
Remastered By – Andrey Teterlev<p>Tags:<a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">LO-FI</a>, <a href="">INDIE POP</a>, <a href="">ALTERNATIVE ROCK</a>, <a href="">INDIE ROCK</a>, <a href="">POST-PUNK</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Pride, 07 Oct 2014 06:19:07 +0200<h5>released on SouthernCitysLab by intouch</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on SouthernCitysLab by intouch</p>Когда человек начинает считать себя самым добрым, самым умным, тут и начинается гниль. Гордыня - худший из грехов, что бы ты ни создал.
Простите ребята, но эта песня не о той любви, с которой все свыклись. Pride - крик великого возмущения.
Music & Lyrics by Ray Fano
Sound Producer by Ray Fano.
Artwork by Jessica Bartolini.<p>Tags:<a href="">ALTERNATIVE ROCK</a>, <a href="">INDIE ROCK</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Detailed Knack, 03 Oct 2014 17:30:36 +0200<h5>released on enoughrecords by Sci Fi Industries</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on enoughrecords by Sci Fi Industries</p>Split mixtape album of DJ Wook and Sci Fi Industries in similar electronica style. This is co-released with Thisco Records, they have limited edition tapes available! Cover photo by Lesley Young.<p>Tags:<a href="">ELECTRONICA</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Koryagin, 02 Oct 2014 15:54:20 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Knyaz Mishkin</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Knyaz Mishkin</p>Presenting your attention the rare recording of the cult Belarusian intuitive improvisation band Knyaz Mishkin. The recording was made in 1991.<p>Tags:<a href="">JAZZ</a>, <a href="">IMPROVISATION</a>, <a href="">FREE IMPROVISATION</a>, <a href="">NEW JAZZ</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Niemen vs Niemen, 02 Oct 2014 15:40:51 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Wёska Project</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Wёska Project</p>It is an EP-tribute written by Wёska Project during a winter-spring 2014.
In this work was undertaken an attempt of interpretation of music by Czeslaw Niemen (some genres), Belarusian and Polish musician. This music was undertaken is foremost jazz and psychedelic rock.<p>Tags:<a href="">JAZZ</a>, <a href="">ILLBIENT</a>, <a href="">PSYCHEDELIC ROCK</a>, <a href="">PSYCHEDELIC DUB</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Graffiti Live, 01 Oct 2014 10:40:28 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Provolochnyj Chelovek & Deproverst</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Provolochnyj Chelovek & Deproverst</p><p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">LIVE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Erich Schall - Color Cluster, 30 Sep 2014 09:06:42 +0200<h5>released on insectorama by erich schall</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on insectorama by erich schall</p>erich schall presents his new 9 track album. this is dark dubtechno in a experimental noise format.<p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, <a href="">DARK</a>, <a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">NETLABEL</a>, <a href="">DUBTECHNO</a>, <a href="">INSECTORAMA</a>, <a href="">ERICH SCHALL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Mothership Of The Rebels, 27 Sep 2014 10:11:35 +0200<h5>released on Shrammaka by Antelikteram</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Shrammaka by Antelikteram</p>The rebel army of Antelikteram is still fighting against commercial music and pollution, and this time is ready for the hardest attack: it reached planet Earth with a mothership. The mothership carries 12 powerful DnB mechanical beings; some of them are well known, some others are upgrades and some others are new weapons... and they're all very strong. Take the side of Antelikteram and join the rebellion now, by downloading his first LP!<p>Tags:<a href="">DNB</a>, <a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, <a href="">INDUSTRIAL</a>, <a href="">BREAKCORE</a>, <a href="">ACID</a>, <a href="">TECHNO-DNB</a>, <a href="">JUMP-UP</a>, <a href="">ALBUM</a>, <a href="">ITALY</a>, <a href="">TECHNOID</a>, <a href="">HARDSTEP</a>, <a href="">DRUM AND BASS</a>, <a href="">DRUM & BASS</a>, <a href="'n'%20bass">DRUM 'N' BASS</a>, <a href="">CROSSBREED</a>, <a href="">FRANKFURT</a>, <a href="">GLOBAL WARMING</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>The Odyssey Of The Civilization, 26 Sep 2014 11:00:49 +0200<h5>released on Soisloscerdos by Langax</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Soisloscerdos by Langax</p>Formato: Lp digital
País / Ciudad: España / Barcelona
Fecha Publicación: Septiembre 2014
Genero: Electrónica
Estilo: Idm, Electro, Techno
1. Cosmic Dreams
2. Hal
3. M88 Entrance
4. The Alien Party
5. Apollo 808
6. Intergalactic holiday
7. Solar Storm
8. Scrap Robot
9. The After
10. M88 Entrance (MegaHast3r Remix)
11. The Alien Party (Ángel García Remix)
12. Solar Storm (Periodo Particular Remix)
13. Scarp Robot (NoHuman Remix)
Aquí tenemos nuestro primer LP, Langax se ha volcado con el netlabel y cede todo su material más reciente. Al escuchar la calidad de los canciones, no ha habido otro remedio que empaquetarlo conjuntamente. Nueve canciones dignas de los más ilustres exploradores de los confines del universo. Pura tensión Langax, oscuridad con toques dub y techno.
Soisloscerdos añade cuatro remixes de nuestros amigos MegaHast3r, Ángel García, No Human y Periodo Particular.
Gracias a todos!!!!!<p>Tags:<a href="">IDM</a>, <a href=""> TECHNO</a>, <a href=""> ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href=""> ANGEL GARCIA</a>, <a href=""> PERIODO PARTICULAR</a>, <a href=""> ELECTRO</a>, <a href=""> MEGAHAST3R</a>, <a href=""> REMIXES</a>, <a href=""> NOHUMAN</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Machtdose Podcast September 2014, 24 Sep 2014 00:27:05 +0200<h5>released on Machtdose by Machtdose</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Machtdose by Machtdose</p><p>Tags:<a href=""></a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Split - Aires / Rui P. Andrade / Earthly Beasts, 22 Sep 2014 19:34:20 +0200<h5>released on enoughrecords by Aires</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on enoughrecords by Aires</p>Split album of experimental dark ambient by Portuguese projects Aires, Rui P. Andrade and Earthly Beasts.<p>Tags:<a href="">DARK AMBIENT</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Various Artists - Nested Structures Ep, 22 Sep 2014 12:28:17 +0200<h5>released on insectorama by Markus Masuhr</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on insectorama by Markus Masuhr</p>4 new pure dubtechno tracks. more chord, more echos , more delays no more words!!!!!! dubtechno!!!!!<p>Tags:<a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">NETLABEL</a>, <a href="">DUBTECHNO</a>, <a href="">INSECTORAMA</a>, <a href="">MARKUS MASUHR</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>DARK 3, 22 Sep 2014 12:19:03 +0200<h5>released on PlanetXRecords by Restore X</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on PlanetXRecords by Restore X</p>Catalogue number....: PXRec037VA
Title...............: DARK3
Artist..............: VARIOS ARTIST
Date................: 21-09-2014
Format..............: MP320kb/s
01.Prodesh - Rowbot (Synthetic Soul) .........06:23 min
02.Cyberia Proxy - V.o2 ......................03:01 min
03.Taxim - Computer Depressionen .............05:03 min
04.Liplug - Technik ..........................03:38 min
05.Fabone - The Atic .........................07:39 min
06.Contaminated Intelligence - Crunch! .......05:02 min
07.VardenZenix - Manip .......................07:40 min
08.Noise Lap - Twitch ........................03:16 min
09.Room of Wires - Asylum Sneaker ............04:20 min
10.Restore X - Lost Highway ..................04:29 min
11.Falling Bytes - Unknown Lifeforms .........03:56 min
12.Girlflesh - Spider Blue (Syrinx Remix) ....08:23 min
13.Khionik - Vaulted Beast ...................03:14 min
14.Mysticall - Mirrow Final .......................03:30 min
15.Fetish* - Circles .........................04:25 min
16.Deep Sphere - Wall of Lies ................04:03 min<p>Tags:<a href=""></a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Weaving Portraits, 21 Sep 2014 11:55:39 +0200<h5>released on Sucu Music by Cousin Silas</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Sucu Music by Cousin Silas</p>“Weaving Portraits” is Cousin Silas’s second work with Sucu Music and, by happy coincidence, also the release marking the first anniversary of the label. There couldn’t have been a better way to celebrate our first birthday than by releasing a beautiful work of meditative music entirely created by textures of keyboards and delicate touches of electric guitar. No rhythm, no percussion, nothing that might encompass this music into a closed system. Cousin Silas’s is music for open spaces, and it doesn’t matter whether we are speaking of real spaces or inner spaces of the mind. Call it cinematic, call it ambient, call it soundscapes, call this music as you like, but be ready to leave everything behind and experience it with every pore of your body, every neuron of your brain and every unnamed substance which makes up what you really are.
The album begins with THE OLD TRACK, and we can say that it is a very appropriate title for this … er … track, in that the music really takes you for a walk or glide or fly or slide along sandy tracks of the mind which stretch along imaginary plains and woods and plateaus. Just keyboards and long, deep guitar notes accompany the wayfarer in this journey. The mood is very relaxed but nowhere grim or new-ageish or anything like that. This is music which doesn’t know what frenzy or haste is. Music that takes time to develop and take root within you, every note is like a wavelet that rolls and rolls and rolls into something big but peaceful which will flow but not flood.
HIGH ON THE HILL. Ascension. Climbing to the crest of a hill. The plain stretches below, as far as the eye can see. The green of the land and the blue of the sky. Silent flights of birds in the distance and a gentle breeze combing the grass. Time to sit or lie down and follow the road to introspection these keyboards and guitar notes lead you to. Time to get in touch with somewhere beyond the horizon. Time to forget about the ugliness of daily life and rejoice in the simple act of breathing.
BELONGING. Floating and gliding and flying in the vastness of a silent world which could be ours or a different one. Endless water and endless earth below. A different perspective on beauty as seen from above. No impending doom in these notes. Again, no rhythm, no percussion of any sorts, because here the normal rhythm of living is suspended for moments of eternity. Textures and soundscapes, sustained airborne guitar notes that add new dimensions to the three ones we are accustomed to. A sense of Belonging to the whole universe in sounds and music.
A VIEW THROUGH SEPIA. Yellowed photographs found in the bottom of an old, dusty chest in an attic. You sit down and look at them, one by one. A flux of sepia memories and you are in a gondola at the centre of a placid lagoon, waiting for the breeze to gently push you to the shore. You shade your eyes from the sun, but when the hand is removed you find yourself in a clearing in a wood. The grass is soft and invites you to roll in slow motion. That’s the magic Cousin Silas’s few, spare notes of keyboards and guitar can work.
ASCENDING. The mood in this, the shortest track in the album, is highly meditative and spiritual. The sequence of keyboard chords and the guitar melody have something deeply religious in them and the feeling is pensive but not dark or heavy. A feeling of hope in a better tomorrow.
AN AGE. Can an introspective journey reach an end? A point where one can say ‘Here I am, this is who, what and where I want to be’? The answer is uncertain, but the final track in Cousin Silas’s work seems to suggest us that perhaps it would be better if we weren’t so sure, and kept on searching instead. It could take ‘An Age,’ as the title might suggest, or even many ages, for life could be an eternal wheel which turns relentlessly and what we refer to as death is not an end in itself, but only a moment when the wheel changes the way and direction it turns. Endless music, revolving sounds, layers upon layers of sound which discreetly add to the overall organic system which is Cousin Silas’s music.
- Tony Colina<p>Tags:<a href="">AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">SOUNDSCAPE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Superluminal Arts, 20 Sep 2014 12:59:52 +0200<h5>released on BFWrecordings by Dozelimit</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on BFWrecordings by Dozelimit</p>A wonderful apocalyptic BFW debut from Dozelimit, a band based in Russian city Omsk (in south west Siberia).
55 minutes of glorious shoegazing soundscapes and post rock noise.<p>Tags:<a href="">INDIE</a>, <a href="">SHOEGAZE</a>, <a href="">POST ROCK</a>, <a href="">SIBERIA</a>, <a href="">OMSK</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>The Swap, 18 Sep 2014 19:18:25 +0200<h5>released on OBC-Records by O.S.R</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on OBC-Records by O.S.R</p>German:
"The swap", englisch für den Wechsel oder das Überlagern. Sounds, die sich überlagern und abwechseln, Geschichten erzählen von Freude und Leid. O.S.R will genau solche Geschichten erzählen und tut dies erneut mit seinem aktuellen Track. Jeder soll das Werk für sich selbst interpretieren, so wie es auch die weiteren Künstler getan haben und sich ihre eigene Geschichte daraus sponnen. Das ist "The swap", nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
“The swap” is literally standing for swapping sounds and to swap them as well as telling stories of good times and bad. Particularly these stories O.S.R wants to tell and nailed it with his current track. Everyone is asked to interpret the work by themselves, just as the other artists did and created their own story out of it. This is “The swap”, no more, no less.<p>Tags:<a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">O.S.R</a>, <a href="">OBC-RECORDS</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Dubophonic meets Dubkey - United as one, 18 Sep 2014 19:11:32 +0200<h5>released on Dub-o-phonic by Med Dred</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Dub-o-phonic by Med Dred</p>[DPH017] United as one - A Dubophonic/Dubkey collaboration
Out on Dubophonic Netlabel and Dubkey Records
Sept 2014
The idea of collaborating with other netlabels has been long into the minds of Dub Thomas and Manwel Tabone. Like a netlabel is a family of artists under a common roof, the two originators wanted to expand this family idea on the next level, creating an expanded family between the netlabels themselves. This is the first step for more collaboration between like-minded artists and netlabels.
The result of this collaboration is more than just a mere compilation of tracks. All the tunes have been written and produced from scratch, exclusive for this release and the riddims were written by the artists of both labels. The “raw” material was exchanged between the two netlabels, the vocal messages were added and then once again the tracks travelled back to the other side for the dubs and remixes. So basically every single track has been made with the contribution of artists from both sides in an organic and productive way.
The release consists of 4 riddims by Red Star Martyrs, Ashley, Med Dred and Negritage, all presented in 4 different cuts each. Vocalised by Zion Irie, Haji Mike & Singer Tempa and dubbed/mixed accordingly ina roots and culture style. Special mixes were included by Jah Rootikal Steppers and Manwel Tabone himself. Nuff respect Felix Dub Caravan for the live bass and guitar on the Roots-o-ohonic riddim (tracks 9 & 10). Last but definitely not least, Mind’s Eye Dub irie melodica on the Negritage riddim blows away the badness, sending positive vibrations of I-nity and One-ness.
01. Zion Irie - Run Come
02. Haji Mike - Dead Politiks
03. Red Star Martyrs - Roots Rock Rebel
04. Red Star Martyrs - Roots Rock Rebel (Jah Rootikal Steppers Mix)
05. Zion Irie - Dem Don't Know Righteousness
06. Ashley - Dem Don't Know Dub
07. Ashley - His Majesty Dub
08. Ashley - His Majesty Dub (Manwel T Mix)
09. Singer Tempa - So Hungry
10. Med Dred - So Hungry 4 Dub
11. Med Dred - Roots-o-phonic
12. Med Dred - Roots-o-phonic (Manwel T Mix)
13. Zion Irie - Lie, Lie, Lie
14. Negritage - Stay Away From Badness
15. Negritage - Stay Away From Badness (Ashley Mix)
16. Negritage feat. Mind's Eye Dub - Blow Away The Badness<p>Tags:<a href="">DUB</a>, <a href="">REGGAE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Literature Paintings & Drawings (2xLP), 18 Sep 2014 12:48:05 +0200<h5>released on Dusted Wax Kingdom by Noi2er x Witkacy</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Dusted Wax Kingdom by Noi2er x Witkacy</p><p>Tags:<a href="">DARK AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">LO-FI</a>, <a href="">DOWNTEMPO</a>, <a href="">TRIP-HOP</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Born Into It, 17 Sep 2014 23:03:03 +0200<h5>released on toucan music by Redmann</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on toucan music by Redmann</p>Blastculture and Aerologic rework two classic Redmann tracks in this release. Move Harder is given the Blastculture treatment in the first remix, keeping Redmann's smooth pads, filtering the bassline synths and adding pumping house grooves in Blastculture's infectious dancefloor style. Aerologic take on Born Into It, retaining the famous arpeggio loop from the original, and adding in sizzling EDM synths, thumping club beats and a pitchbending breakdown to hype up the crowd before the tune kicks back in at the end.<p>Tags:<a href="">HOUSE</a>, <a href="">DANCE</a>, <a href="">EDM</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Salo Brain Damaged, 16 Sep 2014 10:29:06 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by mhzesent</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by mhzesent</p><p>Tags:<a href="">DRONE</a>, <a href="">DARK AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">SOUNDS COLLAGES</a>, <a href="">COLLAGES</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Mushrooms Says, 15 Sep 2014 21:33:16 +0200<h5>released on SouthernCitysLab by King Imagine</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on SouthernCitysLab by King Imagine</p>Alexei Mikryukov aka King Imagine was born in 1972. His first song was sung and recorded at the age of 4. He began his career in music as a gutarist in the punk collective Zooy E Orchestar in 1989. In the same period some of the first bootleg recordings were made, all of them now lost. In the summer of 1993 he meets Eugene Alexandrov, with whom organizes The Schizotronics..and records solo. In 1996 together with the Kiev poet Danylo Kubai,he founds the noise industrial group Ilam, Inc. (or, rather a noise orchestra with 13 musicians, which gave an incredibly insane concert in the Kiev Actors House of Culture) and also the project Rooteniya Pe Since 1998 cooperates as sound engineer with the first Ukrainian reggae/dub group Rootmans Band, Karina Kuznetsova (with whom he works to this day) and the bass guitarist Kirill Machinski aka Roots Controlla, with whom he founds the digital roots dub project Dub Compressors. In 1999 together with the composer Alexander Kohanovski aka Pankifared he starts the studio project Superapes, recording 2 albums, making experiments with electronic and ambient music, as well as composing music for escalators, elevators and corridors. Since 2004 actively cooperates with Foa Hoka as sound producer, remixer and contributor of music. Since 2005 releases his output on the d.i.y. CD-R label SKP Records (Kiev). Since 2006 actively cooperates w/International movement Ukr.tele.kom - as remixer, co-author and remastering engineer.
composed & Mixed & Produced By King Imagine
Betwween January - August 2014
Cover Art By Artem Kiselev
Join Us!<p>Tags:<a href="">IDM</a>, <a href="">GLITCH</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Doomed Dimension, 13 Sep 2014 11:19:55 +0200<h5>released on Temple Of Callousness by Nihilistic Delusion</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Temple Of Callousness by Nihilistic Delusion</p><p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Mahakala Thunder, 08 Sep 2014 18:49:16 +0200<h5>released on Yarn Audio by ASA 808</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Yarn Audio by ASA 808</p>Ansgar is obsessed with music. “A day is too short to appese my hunger for new music” he says. Ansgar Rudolf started making music at the age of six, first learning classical piano and guitar, later specializing in music theory and composition, jazz and improvisation. In 2008, at the age of 19, he released a 5 track EP with his first solo project “Hasta la otra méxico!”. On NYE of the same year he won the NASA APOD award with his music video “Túrána hott kurdís”, thus becoming popular world- wide in just one night. Driven by his love for electronic music, he started producing and DJing as ASA 808, playing in venues such as Prince Charles, Ritter Butzke, Gretchen, Loftus Hall & Karlstorbahnhof. Pushing the boundaries of techno, house and bass elements, ASA 808 surprises with bold sounds, combining classical instruments with analogue synths, percussive basses and drum machines. Featuring DJs such as Christian Löffler, Tom Demac, Lando, Komon, Essáy, Klaves and Kidnap Kid, ASA 808’s “TOYS” parties at Prince Charles have become a must go for all lovers of forward-thinking electronic music in Berlin.
After the release of the VIP version of “Mahakala” as the opener of the Blank Tracks #01 compilation (featured by XLR8R) in June 2013, the non-commercial netlabel Yarn Audio proudly presents the release of “Mahakala (Original Mix)” & “Thunder (Original Mix)” on Jan 31st 2014. Garage-flecked percussion creates the basis for the bass driven A-side. With the throbbing energy of the syncopated 808 bass, “Mahakala” soon swells to an intoxicating entangled 2-step monster. The B-side “Thunder” in contrast is a dark and straightforward club construction and may be Yarn’s most jacking track to date.<p>Tags:<a href="">ELECTRONIC</a>, <a href="">HOUSE</a>, <a href="">NETLABEL</a>, <a href="">BASS</a>, <a href="">NETAUDIO</a>, <a href="">GERMANY</a>, <a href="">BERLIN</a>, <a href="">CCMUSIC</a>, <a href="">BASS MUSIC</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Listening Like Zombies, 08 Sep 2014 15:25:28 +0200<h5>released on enoughrecords by [Yahuy-Che-Kabah]</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on enoughrecords by [Yahuy-Che-Kabah]</p>Industrial ambient EP from [Esc.] Laboratory's treasure trove of unreleased back catalogue. This one dates back to 2010 and is released under their moniker [Yahuy-Che-Kabah].<p>Tags:<a href="">AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">INDUSTRIAL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Album In A Day volume 9 - 6 September 2014, 08 Sep 2014 00:59:15 +0200<h5>released on BFWrecordings by Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on BFWrecordings by Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt</p>On Saturday 6th September 2014, musicians from around the world each wrote and recorded a complete new song, from scratch in one day.
The next day, these songs were collected and put together as this album.
The day after that, the album will be released as a free download under a Creative Commons licence!
The album will be released as soon as it is ready on Monday 8th September 2014.
These albums are always a lot of fun. We never know what we are going to get but having so little time seems to energize musicians into creating something that some would normally work on for weeks.
The result is a wonderful mix of a whole range of music from musicians around the world, all completely written, performed and recorded on Saturday 6th September 2014.
A massive thank you to all the musicians who took part.
Enjoy the album - and please share!
01. about.theWindow - unresolved
02. Piotro - Any Other Way
03. Ninety Lion - Blind Star
04. Antimon - Tumble Dry
05. Alex Gloworld - Itchy Trigger
06. Joel Sutton - The Spiral Dimensions
07. Nameless City - Out Of Space
08. Your City Sleeps - Multiverse
09. Gary Bruce - Storm Damage
10. Đỗ Tấn Sĩ - Répétition
11. salvo - hearing aid
12. Poodleplay Archetype - Koni Yellow Struts
13. Fragile X - Ghost Notes
14. dmyra - MetaQuestIonicSphere
15. Joshua Ryan - Similar Degrees of Error
16. Bing Satellites - End Of Time
17. Scott Lawlor - Dark Night of the Soul
18. Disturbed Earth - Detective
19. Uzbazur345 - The Morning
20. Daniel Land - In Love With A Ghost
21. Jazzdefector - In between the moments of silence
22. kevin Buckland - After all
23. Tim Kays - Summer Shower Interlude
24. Homo-Ambiens - Mars Atmosphere
25. George Trotter - Malfunction2
26. Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt - Team Butterfly
27. Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt - Team Jojo
28. Sound Awakener - Hedera Helix
29. TOTAL E.T. - Fog God
30. Ade Hodges - The Queen Was A Gambler
31. Christopher Alvarado - Ascending Lights
32. Daniel Prendiville - Kopiertoxin
33. Luciftias - Room 237 (excerpt)
34. Grove of Whispers - The Unceasing Path
35. piper_ben - Feeding moose to feminists
36. Mystified - Parknoys Lingering Complaint
37. Bengalfuel - Train
38. Meteer - Mr Javelin
39. David Gerard - There Is No Ransom [for Cliff Martinez]
40. Cousin Silas - Naomi's Lullaby
41. Stephen Briggs - Ode to Aphrodite
42. playman54 - tomb spectres
43. Simon Slator - So Beautiful, Yet So Dangerous
44. Another Neglected Hobby - Same as it Ever Was
45. Kevin Lyons - All the Way Back<p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, <a href="">AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">HIP HOP</a>, <a href="">INDIE</a>, <a href="">SHOEGAZE</a>, <a href="">SOUNDSCAPE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Mesh work, 04 Sep 2014 15:45:45 +0200<h5>released on Microstructure by Deproverst</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Microstructure by Deproverst</p><p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">POST-INDUSTRIAL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Lakewaves Vol. 2, 30 Aug 2014 09:38:29 +0200<h5>released on BFWrecordings by Lakewaves</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on BFWrecordings by Lakewaves</p>All music written by Devin Powers and Graham Marlowe.
All production and mixing by Devin Powers with exceptions for track 3, 6, and 9 by Graham Marlowe
Track 3 Welcoming the Dawn (featuring CooKeDmusic) recorded & Mixed by CooKeDmusic, Written/Performed by Graham Marlowe & Joel Nesbit
Track 6 Burning Daylight recorded & mixed by Cheyne Trost; mastered by Will Bailey; keyboards & composition by Graham; guitar/effects - Cheyne Trost
Track 9 Cartwheels in Storms recorded by Cheyne Trost; mixed & mastered by Will Bailey; keyboards/talkbox & composition - Graham Marlowe; bass - Cheyne Trost; drums/programming - Devin Powers
Artwork and Design by Devin Powers
The second collaboration album from Devin Powers (SineRider) and Graham Marlowe, both of whom will be familiar to many of you from their previous releases on BFW and beyond.
This album acts as a second half to its counterpart, however it builds and expands upon its own musical ideas.
Lakewaves Vol. 2 is a fusion of scratchy tape loops, guitars and smooth synthesizers set to jazzy, downtempo rhythms.
More:<p>Tags:<a href="">ELECTRONICA</a>, <a href="">IDM</a>, <a href="">AMBIENT</a>, <a href="">SHOEGAZE</a>, <a href="">CHILL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Split, 26 Aug 2014 23:05:04 +0200<h5>released on SouthernCitysLab by Voodoo Puppets</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on SouthernCitysLab by Voodoo Puppets</p>Кровожадные хулиганы-упыри Voodoo Puppets вызвали загадочного духа Botinki Ra, чтобы вместе издаться на одной пластинке и ощутить вкус свежей крови.
Voodoo Puppets поведают нам историю о знаменитом герое интернет страшилок - Палочнике или Тощим человеке (Slender Man) и споют настоящий маньячный блюз с говорящим название “Electric Chair Blues”.
А загадочные Botinki Ra исполнят свои потрясающие инструментальные аудио инсталляции звучащие из вне времени и пространства.
Botinki Ra:
Join Us!<p>Tags:<a href="">HARDCORE</a>, <a href="">POST-ROCK</a>, <a href="">HORROR PUNK</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>various artists - reflection to substantially ep, 26 Aug 2014 12:50:19 +0200<h5>released on insectorama by Markus Masuhr</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on insectorama by Markus Masuhr</p><p>Tags:<a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">NETLABEL</a>, <a href="">COMPILATION</a>, <a href="">DUBTECHNO</a>, <a href="">INSECTORAMA</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Hybrid, 25 Aug 2014 16:41:32 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Alex Mason</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Alex Mason</p><p>Tags:<a href="">INSTRUMENTAL</a>, <a href="">SOUNDTRACK</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>psycoded - pepper pot, 24 Aug 2014 19:10:31 +0200<h5>released on Zimmer-Records by psyCodEd</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Zimmer-Records by psyCodEd</p>Pepperpot is an Amerindian-derived dish popular in Guyana. It is traditionally served at Christmas and other special events. Along with curried chicken, and cook up rice, pepperpot is one of Guyana's national dish.
Pepperpot is a stewed meat dish, strongly flavoured with cinnamon, cassareep (a special sauce made from the cassava root) and other basic ingredients, including Caribbean hot peppers. Beef, pork, and mutton are the most popular meats used, though some have been known to use chicken. Pepperpot is popularly served with a dense Guyanese-style homemade or home-style bread, though like most food it can be eaten however one chooses, be it rice, or roti, though it is not the popular norm.
This dish is usually reserved for special occasions because it needs to cook for several hours, and mostly eaten on Christmas Day (like turkey in North America), or during the Christmas holiday season. Like the original Amerindian version it is usually made in a large pot and can be reheated and eaten over several days because the Cassareep starts preserving the meat.[citation needed] Versions of the dish are also served in several other countries in the Caribbean, including Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent.<p>Tags:<a href="">BREAKS</a>, <a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">MINIMAL</a>, <a href="">DEEP</a>, <a href="">TOOL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Bluelines Idoka, 24 Aug 2014 17:52:07 +0200<h5>released on kreislauf by Mozee Und SundB</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on kreislauf by Mozee Und SundB</p><p>Tags:<a href="">DEEP HOUSE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Unheard Prayers, 23 Aug 2014 18:15:36 +0200<h5>released on Temple Of Callousness by Nihilistic Delusion</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Temple Of Callousness by Nihilistic Delusion</p><p>Tags:<a href="">RAW</a>, <a href="">BLACK NOISE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Outsiders, 18 Aug 2014 10:19:36 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Andre Darius, Paul Mimlitsch, Martin Pozdrowicz</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Andre Darius, Paul Mimlitsch, Martin Pozdrowicz</p><p>Tags:<a href="">IMPROVISATION</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Mean Machine, 17 Aug 2014 16:10:47 +0200<h5>released on enoughrecords by Azureflux</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on enoughrecords by Azureflux</p>Portuguese project Azureflux delivers us some mean sounding 8bit tracks on this debut EP of his. Artwork by iloveui.<p>Tags:<a href="">CHIPTUNE</a>, <a href="">8BIT</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Grooveiera, 14 Aug 2014 23:22:34 +0200<h5>released on toucan music by Blastculture</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on toucan music by Blastculture</p>Blastculture introduces two brand new tracks, with a bonus remix. Grooveiera is a fast, minimal yet hypnotic track which features tribal, metallic, industrial sounding tones interspersed with mellow pads set against a backdrop of hectic shuffled hard house rhythms. Toucan producer John provides a bonus breakbeat house remix of Grooveiera, blending old skool pad stabs with DnB style growling bass. For the second track, Blastculture explores his techno side with the frenetic Hotter Again, which combines shuffled tech beats with gated stabs. Release photo by Claudio Cesarano used here under a Creative Commons licence<p>Tags:<a href="">TECHNO</a>, <a href="">MINIMAL</a>, <a href="">HOUSE</a>, <a href="">GROOVE</a>, <a href="">HARD HOUSE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Wine, Women and Song Pt2,+Women+and+Song+Pt2/19464Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:33:05 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Golgotha Communications</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Golgotha Communications</p><p>Tags:<a href="">EXPERIMENTAL</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=",+Women+and+Song+Pt2/19464">,+Women+and+Song+Pt2/19464</a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>One Beat A Day, 11 Aug 2014 12:38:37 +0200<h5>released on HAZE by Bug Powder</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on HAZE by Bug Powder</p><p>Tags:<a href=""></a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Jazzafari BeaTape Vol.1, 08 Aug 2014 18:46:37 +0200<h5>released on enoughrecords by Jazzafari</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on enoughrecords by Jazzafari</p>Heavily recommended by Enough Records artist M-PeX, here is a full album of electronic fusion sounds by Portuguese project Jazzafari. It mixes electronic, hiphop, jazz and world music sounds together into a string of soulful beats, breaks and tracks. Perfect soundtrack for chilling in your lounge during these lazy summer days. Co-release with Toma Lá Records.<p>Tags:<a href="">ELECTRONICA</a>, <a href="">JAZZ</a>, <a href="">FUSION</a>, <a href="">HIPHOP</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-sa</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>V, 05 Aug 2014 11:23:46 +0200<h5>released on Microstructure by Urinate</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Microstructure by Urinate</p><p>Tags:<a href="">NOISE</a>, <a href="">HARSH NOISE</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>Real Solution 9 (MissingNo Bootleg), 04 Aug 2014 21:58:49 +0200<h5>released on Shrammaka by White Zombie</h5><img src="" /><br /><p>released on Shrammaka by White Zombie</p>White Zombie was a Grammy Award-nominated American heavy metal band. Based in New York City, White Zombie was originally a noise rock band. White Zombie are better-known for their later heavy metal-oriented sound. The group officially disbanded in 1998. In 2000, White Zombie was included on VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock, ranking at No. 56.
Antelikteram didn't know them: luckily MissingNo. decided to make a bootleg version of their song "Real Solution #9"! Now Antelikteram knows them!<p>Tags:<a href="">DNB</a>, <a href="">BREAKCORE</a>, <a href="">BOOTLEG</a>, <a href="">USA</a>, <a href="">DRUM AND BASS</a>, <a href="">DRUM & BASS</a>, <a href="'n'%20bass">DRUM 'N' BASS</a>, <a href="">CROSSBREED</a>, </p><p>License: <a href="">Creative Commons | by-nc-nd</a></p><p>m3u: <a href=""></a><br />zip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Release page: <a href=""></a><br />Label page: <a href=""></a></p>